What kind of vehicles do you offer?

We offer luxury and premium luxury sedans, suvs, sprinter vans, mini coach and coach buses.

How far in advance do I need to make a reservation?

Although we try our best to cover last minute rides, we always recommend booking as soon as you can in order to enjoy a completely stress-free and smooth experience and to avoid missing out.

Where do I meet my driver at the airport?

There are two options for meeting your chauffeur at the airport (discussed at time of reservation):

  1. Meet and Greet Airport pick-up: Our driver will park his vehicle and meet you inside of the airport terminal with a personalized name sign.
      • Domestic Flights – Passengers will meet the chauffeur inside the terminal in the baggage claim area.
      • International Flights – Passengers will meet the chauffeur inside the terminal outside of Customs.
  2. Express Airport pick-up: The driver will pick you up outside the terminal if you prefer a quicker exit from the airport and avoiding parking fees. He will have a personalized name sign in the window and will pull up to a terminal door or passenger pickup area.

If you need an additional assistance right upon landing our services also include:

  • Arrival Meet And Greet
  • Departure Meet And Greet
  • Transfer/Transit Meet And Greet
  • Fast-track security and immigration
Do you track flights?

Yes, we track all flights and will dispatch the driver accordingly.

What time should I leave my location to catch the Flight on time?

We always recommend that you are at the Airport at least 1.5 hours before your Domestic Flight departure time and at least 2.5 to 3 hours before your International flight departure time. We recommend time of pick up keeping this in mind along with traffic patterns and expected weather in your location.

Do you provide child seats in your vehicles?

Yes. We provide car seats for infants, toddlers and booster seats for $20.00 additional charge.

What is the standard gratuity you charge on every ride?

We charge 20% gratuity for every ride.

For an Hourly trip, is there a minimum number of hours the vehicle must be rented?

Yes, it is 3 hours minimum for our sedans and SUVs, 5 hours minimum for our vans, mini coaches and coaches.

What is your cancellation policy?

You must cancel 24 Hours before the ride for sedan and SUV, 48 hours and more for vans, mini coaches and coaches to avoid the fees.

Do you offer Direct Billing?

Direct billing can be set up for corporate clients, depending on their account activity. Please send us an inquiry via Become a partner page.

Which areas do you service?

We operate in all major US cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Seattle, Austin, New York City, Chicago, Boston, Washington, Buffalo, Atlanta, Miami, Orlando, New Orleans, Honolulu and etc.